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Notable Ghouls (Week 0)

This is only the first week of everything being live, but there are already quite a few people that I would love to thank. They have helped motivate me to either start this blog or have given such kind words. I say it all the time, but I seriously couldn't be here without any of you.

First and foremost, I'd like to thank my friend sgtxgigglexfairy for giving me the idea to start this blog. I talked often about wanting to write and how much I'd love to have a career where I can do this. This blog is for fun, but it gives me an opportunity to hone my skills and further figure out my voice. Plus I get to share my love for horror with all of you! Check him out here to support his Twitch where he plays a lot of Kingdom Hearts and Clone Hero.

Next up, I'd love to thank DimTheLightsGaming. Dim has allowed me to collab with him on his weekly Newsletter. He's such a wonderful collaborator and a wonderful person to talk to, to bounce ideas around. If you haven't already checked out his Newsletter, check it out here. He has suggested that I full-send the idea of starting up this blog and has offered kind words, stating that I have "a talent for writing". Those words meant so much especially because my writing isn't something that is typically shared. (I have dabbled in writing stories in the past, though those have never been released anywhere.) Dim is also a variety streamer on Twitch and works hard to make things fun for his community.

I'd also like to give a quick shout out to shmatty69bird (follow him on twitter and Instagram as well), kingdarius4lyfe, and unlink2 for their support in wanting this blog to come into fruition. I appreciate you guys for the support when I posted BTS about it.

Lastly, I'd love to thank all of you for your support while I was questioning the start of this blog. I was thrilled to see that so many of you were actually interested in this idea. I really appreciate you all for taking the time to "like", "share", and encourage me to do so when I posted about it.

I will keep up with the notable mentions because you deserve recognition. Notable mentions will happen whenever there is support across any platform. It includes Twitch, Kofi, simple words of wisdom or even a kind word or two. I hope that you all check each other out and can make friends. I really appreciate every one of you.


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1 Comment

Unknown member
May 08, 2024

I totally missed this when it was published! This was so sweet. So excited to see you tackling this blog head on! Its doing great so far and I know its only going to get better with time. Awesome job Versa!

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